Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Fat Kid on Ride

Now this is a little clip that I found, witness the kids pure terror at being on a bungie ball, as his mum carries on and doesn't seem to give a shit.


DirtyBitchSociety said...

I feel so fugley myself as I watched it again and laughed like hell. I am not the good Samaritan tonite.

Chris said...

Thanks DB, I thought that you might enjoy that one, I laughed my arse off to :)

jungle jane said...

BWAHAHAHAHA that's so aweome i watched it 3 times! i love how his mum laughs like a deranged person while her fat child strangles himself!

Chris said...

Glad you liked it JJ

Anonymous said...

I felt a pinge of guilt, but the fact that you and JJ see the humor in this, well, it's comforting, hahaha!